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@темы: лит. опыты

05.01.2009 в 06:01

читается как аллегорический рассказ о победе над гопником
05.01.2009 в 11:59

14.11.2016 в 01:21

It’s this night that’s maybe so magicful. It seems that demons crept out of every nook and float about and float about in the frosty fog, over the buildings, over the world, ringing in the white rime-twigs, and the passing trolley-bus enkindles fireworks in its wires where, too, demons play and snap, transpectral, sharp. Making merry.
All but the dull black one that stalked my shadow and scared me with his gaze. Until I felt his breath on the back of my head and understood and sensed him and took his arm.
'What can I do for you? Who are you? Whose shadow? Who died and left you here?'
Silent, looking down.
‘Why are you following me? I feel sorry for you. Let’s be friends? What can I do for you?’
Silent, following, but the feeling of a dark gaze is gone because now he, the black ghost, is palpable on my right-hand side. Of all things spectral, he is the most real. He reminds of a person.
‘What can I do for you?’
Turns his white face, a vampire’s, and bares his sabre-toothed fang. Warm blood and warm life’s what the dejected demon’s after.
I smile him a no.
Draws nearer, clings forth, fang aimed at neck. Yes, yes!
No, no.
I am glass and rime. I am white. I am more weightless than crystalline trees. You, black demon, will break your fang on the glass. Not tasty.
Not tasty.
Let’s be friends.

But he fades behind me and there are minutes of sensing his gaze, black heavy, on the back of my head.
14.11.2016 в 17:32


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